Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami
Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar....
Sebuah filosofi mengatakan "Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)" , inilah yang akan kita buktikan....apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?...
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar...,bila ini di terapkan pada web anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
-Web anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
-Web anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc2 untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu ,maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.
Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
1.Buat posting artikel seperti posting saya ini, atau copy-paste posting ini dan juga diberi berjudul : t=v1+v2 ,Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami
2-Selanjutnya Copy atau buat KALIMAT SAKTI yang ada di bawah nomor 4 ini lalu pasang di web anda pada bagian yang paling mudah dilihat pengunjung, misalnya di bagian atas sidebar:
3-Pindahkan atau ganti link atau alamat url posting saya (disini-1) menggantikan alamat url rekan saya (disini-2).
-untuk mengetahui alamat url posting saya dan posting yang anda buat adalah bisa dengan meng-klik judul/title posting yang kita buat ini.
4-Lalu isi alamat url posting anda pada pada disini-1 tadi. Jadi anda melakukan publish (terbitkan) 2 kali, setelah posting ini selesai anda buat lalu di terbitkan, dan lalu anda klik pada title (judul) posting untuk mengambbil/meng-copy alamat url posting anda dari address bar browser anda, lalu anda edit lagi posting tadi dan masukan pada link disini-1 itu.
Berikut tulisan "KALIMAT SAKTI" yang perlu anda pasang di bagian web anda (setelah di ganti link url-nya sesuai ketentuan di atas)
"Ingin meningkatkan traffic pengunjung dan popularity web anda secara cepat dan tak terbatas...?...
Serahkan pada saya..., Saya akan melakukannya untuk anda GRATIS...!..Klik disini-1 dan disini-2"
5-Di bawah ini ada 2 link :link anda (link web saya sekarang) dan link saya (link web rekan saya sekarang) . Maka ganti (alamatnya) "link anda" dengan "link url web anda" dan "link saya dengan link url web saya" (link rekan saya di hapus).
link anda
link saya
-Jadi setelah KALIMAT SAKTI ini di letakan di web anda maka: jika pengunjung meg-klik link disini-1 akan menuju link posting anda, dan jika meng-klik disini-2 akan menuju link posting saya...dan seterusnya kan terus terjadi mata rantai seperti itu...
5-Selesai, siapkan counter tracker dan pengecek link misalnya sitemeter dan technorati untuk melihat hasil banjir traffic dan linkback web anda.
Apa itu t=v1+t2...?
t : Jumlah traffic yang akan di peroleh web anda dalam suatu hari
v1 : Jumlah pengunjung web anda dalam suatu hari
v2: Jumlah pengunjung yang dimiliki v1 (pengunjung dari pengunjung web anda) dalam suatu hari.
Misalnya, web saya ini atau web anda dalam sehari memiliki rata-rata pengunjung 50 orang.., dan semuanya menerapkan konsep kita ini (KALIMAT SAKTI) dengan benar, dan dari 50 orang itu masing-masing memiliki 50 orang pula pengunjung dari blog-nya , maka web kita akan berpeluang di kunjungi 50 ditambah 50 x 50 orang pada hari itu = 2550 orang , dan akan berpeluang terus meningkat pula hari demi hari ,karena setiap hari selalu ada pengunjung baru di dunia internet, setiap hari juga ada blogger atau web baru di dunia internet...BUKTIKAN
Misalnya, web kita memiliki pengunjung 50 orang dalam suatu hari, dan semuannya menerapkan konsep ini , maka dalam hari itu web anda akan mendapatkan 100 linkback ke web anda, yaitu sebuah link pada KALIMAT SAKTI dan sebuah link pada link saya di kalikan 50. dan akan berpeluang meningkat terus hari demi hari....
Kenapa perlu di buat link link anda dan link saya pada posting...?
...hal ini untuk menjaga keabadian link kita, karena seperti kita tau link pada posting lebih kecil kemungkinannya terhapus....
Bisakah kita berbuat tidak fair atau tidak jujur menyabotase konsep ini, misalnya "menghilangkan semua link asal" lalu di isi dengan web/blog kita sendiri...? ....Bisa, dan konsep ini tidak akan menjadi maksimal untuk membuktikan Kejujuran adalah strategi/politik terbaik.....Tapi saya yakin bahwa kita semua tak ingin menjatuhkan kredibilitas diri sendiri dengan melakukan tindakan murahan seperti itu...
Label: popularity, tips, traffic
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 05.00 0 komentar
Rabu, 24 Desember 2008
Indonesian - English Online's Translator with Google
Google Translate now support indonesian languages,very simple but with a great of help to indonesian who looking for translator without dictionary.
Try this link and hopefully you enjoy it!
Label: tips
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 19.12 0 komentar
Google Search Tips ! Very Useful!
Try these tips :
1. Use Of '+' sign :
This ensures that the results returned to you will definatly consist of the word following the '+' sign. For Eg :
Search: reviews of +iPhone and iPod
This will show results containing the word reviews or iPod but the results will definatly consist of iPhone !
2. Use Of '-' sign :
Using '-' sign before any word will ensure that the particular word will not be included in the results !
3. Use Of '~' sign :
Using '~' before any word will return the results also containing the synonyms of the word !
4. Search a particular site :
To search a particular website you can use the following syntax in the google search :
Search: abc
For Eg :
Search: site: Google Search Tips
5. Define a word :
To get the definition of a word just use :
Search: define:abc
For Eg : Search: define:Computer
This will return you results which define 'Computer'.
6. Find Pages similar to a page :
To find a page similar i.e. consisting of same type of content, use the following syntax :
Search: related:
7. Search for exact phrase :
To search a set of words exactly together i.e.
For Eg :
Search: "contact us"
This will return the results containing both contact and us together !
8. Using the wild card '*' :
The * sign can be used in places where the whole word is not known.
For Eg:
Search: friend*
This will return the results containing friend , friends , friendship.
9. Using the '?' sign :
This is used when the full spelling of the word is not known.
For Eg:
Search: fri??d
This will result that in the results in which any alphabet can take the place of '?' sign.
10. Use of boolean operators :
The boolean operators like AND,OR,NOT can be used in search box to connect the words !
The search engine understands them as what they mean but the must be in capital letters !
For Eg:
Search: swim OR float
This will return the results containing either swim or float !
Label: Computer Tricks
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 07.23 0 komentar
Shutdown and Restart Trick !
Shutdown Trick
Stimulate shutdown from command prompt !
# Start >> Run
# Type shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Shutting Down..."
# Hit Enter and enjoy !
Restart Trick
Stimulate Restart from command prompt !
# Start >> Run
# Type shutdown -r -t 10 -c "Restarting..."
# Hit Enter and enjoy !
Log Off Trick
Stimulate LogOff from command prompt !
# Start >> Run
# Type shutdown -l
# Hit Enter and enjoy !
Please Note
-s :: This signify Shutdown Request.
-r :: This signify Restart Request.
-l :: This signify LogOff Request.
-t :: This signify the timer before Restart. (Replace '10' with any number.)
-c :: This signify comment.
How To Stop It ?
# When the timer is Running...
# Start >> Run
# Type shutdown -a
# That's It.
Prank !!!
۩ We can make a batch file which will Shutdown the computer everytime on startup !
Here is how ?
► Open Notepad
► Type :
shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Virus Attack..."
► File >> Save As...
► Name it : virus.bat
► Start >> All Programs
► Right Click on Startup >> Open
► This open the Startup folder
► Paste the Virus.bat file here !
Label: Computer Tricks
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 07.21 0 komentar
Internet Explorer 7 Keyboard Shortcuts !
Internet Explorer 7 is full of many new features .
On the internet it has its reputation as Firefox killer !
Featuring : Tab Scrolling , Web Search Box , More Speed, etc.
Here The Keyboard Shortcuts :
CTRL+click (Open links in a new tab in the background)
CTRL+SHIFT+click (Open links in a new tab in the foreground)
CTRL+T (Open a new tab in the foreground)
ALT+ENTER (Open a new tab from the Address bar)
CTRL+Q (Open Quick Tabs - thumbnail view)
CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Switch between tabs)
CTRL+n (n can be 1-8) (Switch to a specific tab number)
CTRL+9 (Switch to the last tab)
CTRL+W (Close current tab)
ALT+F4 (Close all tabs)
CTRL+ALT+F4 (Close other tabs)
Label: Computer Tricks
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 07.12 0 komentar
10 High Reccomendate Google Video Documentaries You Have To Watch
Here are my favorite 10's Google Video,so many great documentaries free to watch Some are sad, some are wacky, but they are all very informative and entertaining.
In this one-off documentary, David Malone looks at four brilliant mathematicians - Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing - whose genius has profoundly affected us, but which tragically drove them insane and eventually led to them all committing suicide.
BBC-Dogfighting Undercover-August 30, 2007 Investigation into the secret and dangerous world of international dogfighting. For a year and a half, a BBC undercover team operated alongside dogfighting gangs in the UK and Europe, capturing on camera the savagery of organised fights. The film also reveals how American pitbull terriers - a banned breed created to be the ultimate canine gladiator - have been sold by the gangs into inner city Britain.
3. Secret Space
'A masterful documentary it cracks on at a tremendous pace. A subject that at first seems too ridiculous to contemplate leaves you nodding in agreement ... I always thought there was something suspicious about NASA's attitude to UFOs. Now I know why.' - Jason Cooney, K-Drive Radio, Los Angeles.
4. The History Of Freemasonry Of US
Very interesting documentary about freemasonry in US from the very first days of independence. Produced by the History Channel.
5. The Iceman - Confessions Of A Mafia Hitman
Up Close and Personal with a Killer. When I was finally admitted into the bowels of Trenton State Prison in New Jersey’s capital to interview multiple murderer Richard Kuklinski, a.k.a. “the Iceman,” it wasn’t at all what I had expected. My assumption was that it would be like the movies. We’d be separated by a shatter-proof glass barrier. We’d communicate through telephone handsets. There would be guards all around watching our every move. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. Clarice Starling had more protection when she visited Dr. Hannibal “the Cannibal” Lector in The Silence of the Lambs. At least she had bars.
This one will intrigue you. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve have in common?
7. The Half-Ton Man Documentary
Patrick Deuel is the world's heaviest man - almost 1100 pounds. This documentary opens with paramedics removing a wall of his house in Valentine, Nebraska and transporting him six hours to a hospital where he spent months trying to lose weight to qualify for a gastric bypass operation.
8. Conspiracy Of Silence - Pedophile Ring In Washington DC
This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it. Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence" it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson.
The film, "Why We Bang," produced and directed by Orlando Myrics and Clifford Jordan for Ghetto Logik Entertainment is an independent film that documents the historical background of LA's Bloods and Crips gangs, then transitions into several interviews of current and former members of the Bloods and Crips of Los Angeles.
10. Big Sugar
Big Sugar explores the dark history and modern power of the world's reigning sugar cartels. Using dramatic reenactments, it reveals how sugar was at the heart of slavery in the West Indies in the 18th century, while showing how present-day consumers are slaves to a sugar-based diet. Going undercover, Big Sugar witnesses the appalling working conditions on plantations in the Dominican Republic, where Haitian cane cutters live like slaves. Workers who live on Central Romano, a Fanjul-owned plantation, go hungry while working 12-hour days to earn $2 (US).
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 06.47 0 komentar
10 Totally Stupid Online Business Ideas That Made You Rich,Don't You Believe?
Here it is, read careffuly :
1000000 pixels, charge a dollar per pixel – that’s perhaps the dumbest idea for online business anyone could have possible come up with. Do you know, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire.
2. SantaMail
Ok, how’s that for a brilliant idea. Get a postal address at North Pole, Alaska, pretend you are Santa Claus and charge parents 10 bucks for every letter you send to their kids? Well, Byron Reese sent over 200000 letters since the start of the business in 2001, which makes him a couple million dollars richer. Full Story
3. Doggles
Create goggles for dogs and sell them online? Boy, this IS the dumbest idea for a business. How in the world did they manage to become millionaires and have shops all over the world with that one? Beyond me.
4. LaserMonks is a for-profit subsidiary of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank, an eight-monk monastery in the hills of Monroe County, 90 miles northwest of Madison. Yeah, real monks refilling your cartridges. Hallelujah! Their 2005 sales were $2.5 million! Praise the Lord.
5. AntennaBalls
You can’t sell antenna ball online. There is no way. And surely it wouldn’t make you rich. But this is exactly what Jason Wall did, and now he is now a millionaire.
6. FitDeck
Create a deck of cards featuring exercise routines, and sell it online for $18.95. Sounds like a disaster idea to me. But former Navy SEAL and fitness instructor Phil Black reported last year sales of $4.7 million. Surely beats what military pays.
How would you like to go on a date with an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin thought that someone would, so they created a dating site for HIV positive folks last year. Projected 2006 sales are $110,000, and the two hope to have 50,000 members by their two-year mark.
Christie Rein was tired of carrying diapers around in a freezer bag. The 34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing diapers for her infant son into freezer bags to keep them from getting scrunched up in her purse. Rein wanted something that was compact, sleek and stylish, so in November 2004, she sat down with her husband, Marcus, who helped her design a custom diaper bag that's big enough to hold a travel pack of wipes and two to four diapers. With more than $180,000 in sales for 2005, Christie's company, Diapees & Wipees, has bags in 22 different styles, available online and in 120 boutiques across the globe for $14.99.
9. PickyDomains
Hire another person to think of a cool domain name for you? No way people would pay for this. Actually, naming domain names for others turned out a thriving business, especially, when you make the entire process risk free. PickyDomains currently has a waiting list of people who want to PAY the service to come up with a snappy memorable domain name. PickyDomains is expected to hit six figures this year.
Fake wishbones. Now, this stupid idea is just destined to flop. Who in the world needs FAKE PLASTIC wishbones? A lot of people, it turns out. Now producing 30,000 wishbones daily (they retail for 3 bucks a pop) Ken Ahroni, the company founder, expects 2006 sales to reach $1 million.
Label: ideas, Online Business
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 06.35 0 komentar
Ryan Giggs On Cristiano Ronaldo: He was better two seasons ago
Manchester United winger Ryan Giggs made his opinion that Cristiano Ronaldo was a better all-round player 18 months ago and not last season when Sir Alex Ferguson's men won the double.
The Portuguese has mostly won every individual award going - including the Ballon d'Or - for his performances in 2007-08, when he scored 42 goal in all competitions, as United lifted the Premier League and Champions League trophies.
The season before, Ronaldo scored 23 goals in total, still an impressive feat, but nothing compared to what he achieved 12 months later.
However, Giggs believes the 2006-07 season was Ronaldo's most best, and said: "That season Ronaldo was unbelievable.
"He scored 23 goals and made a lot, his overall play was unbelievable.
"Last year, in 2007-08, I didn't think he was as good. But he did turn himself into an even greater goalscorer.
"He's dedicated in every part of his lifestyle and the people he has around him. He has his diet, the way he looks after himself.
"He goes to the gym. He leads his life for football. He plays every game so he has got to be like that."
It is this dedication to his sport that mas made Ronaldo the world's best player and, as a result, attracted the unwanted interest from Real Madrid.
Only yesterday, reports in Spain suggested that Real have an agreement with United to sign Ronaldo next summer, though, allegedly, the clubs had not planned to go public over the deal until the New Year.
El Mundo newspaper quoted Pedro Trapote, who they claim is an associate of Real President Ramón Calderón, as saying: "If you are asking me what we are going to do now then I would tell you that we have already signed the best player for the summer.
"The best of the best. It is Cristiano, there is no other. It is better that we do not say anything at the moment though."
“Why can you not say anything. It is the best time because things are going badly and people need something to excite them in the middle of all this,” suggested the reporter.
“No,” replied Trapote. “It is best to not say anything because there are some clauses that prevent us from announcing it now. We talks about that late.
Label: cristiano ronaldo, manchester united
Diposting oleh magnificient seven di 06.24 0 komentar